We train local trustbuilders and give them tools to reconcile conflict and heal historical wounds.
80% of humanitarian crisis are conflict-related - The World Bank
Where trust is lacking, polarisation tears communities apart. It fuels inequality, and even seemingly minor disagreements can escalate into wide-scale violence. Our Trustbuilding Program helps communities in conflict reconcile and create lasting peace from the ground up.
We train local trustbuilders and give them tools to reconcile conflict and heal historical wounds.
We enable all sides to speak their truth. Each project is locally owned and designed to increase social cohesion and equity.
Building trust is a long-term commitment. We transform individuals and communities, build up capacities and resilience to create lasting positive change.
At a time of increasing fragmentation, trust is diminishing around the world.
Societies face racial and religious divides, intergenerational conflict, increased extremism, larger social divisions and deal with the legacy of war. These divisions tear apart communities and limit economic development and opportunities for the next generation.
Trust is the cornerstone to building lasting peace for generations to come.
Our work is transformational. We have a unique methodology rooted in our values, successfully used for over a century. We link personal change to societal change. We enable people, regardless of religious, racial, ethnic and political differences, to build relationships and commit to working together for positive changes in their communities.
Conflicts are breeding grounds for lies, blame and bitterness; solutions depend on bringing truth, integrity and trust into the situation. We inspire and equip people with the inner qualities, practices, and skills needed to build trust across deep divides by providing the tools to work together to find lasting solutions.
Peace and reconciliation depend on recognising the historical wounds which created the conflict. We focus on acknowledging and healing historical wounds which provoke the conflict, bringing all sides together in safe spaces to enable each side to see the situation as the other sees it. We bring experienced trustbuilders from other areas to share their experiences and inspire participants to form relationships based on shared values.
The prime quality of trustbuilders is their trustworthiness. Our program offers each participant a chance to examine their integrity and learn how to bring trust into a situation of polarisation and conflict. We develop local multi-sector networks to support the trustbuilders.
The Trustbuilding Program's Theory of Change in action:
The design of the Trustbuilding Program is inspired by decades of focused work through the methodology developed in Richmond, Virginia, USA, where people of all backgrounds worked courageously for racial reconciliation. It produced a tried and tested method, carefully documented and rigorously evaluated, which earned national and international recognition.
Rob Corcoran - Program Design & Training consultant
Manon Michelle Monhemius - Communications Officer
Talia Smith - Program Manager
Jessie Sutherland - Evaluations Consultant
Alena Vasilyeva - Program Assistant
A Program Steering Group governs the Trustbuilding Program
Ron Lawler (Chair); Barry Hart; Imad Karam; Mediatrix Masava; Roweida Saleh; Sylvester Jones (Fetzer Institute) and Alex Wise.
Talia Smith - Planning Committee Chair
Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies
We play our part in the broader conflict prevention agenda by addressing this goal.
The Knowledge Hub offers resources and best practices from the Trustbuilding Program and its project teams.
Fetzer Institute
Trustbuilding Program Founding Partner
Mobilizing, inspiring and connecting talents for a sustainable future with less conflict.
The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers
Builds bridges between grassroots peacemakers and global players to strengthen the work done for sustainable peace.
IofC International has special consultative status at the UN’s Economic and Social Council.
Council of Europe
IofC International has participatory status at the Council of Europe
United Nations Alliance Civilizations
UNAOC aims to bridge divides and promote harmony among nations to prevent conflict and promote social cohesion.
BMW Group
A partner of the Intercultural Innovation Award