Your gift helps us transform the way the world deals with disagreements, anger, fear and hatred.
Together we can build a more just, peaceful and sustainable world, by putting trust at the heart of the solution. Everyone has a role to play in making this a reality.
$25 helps a trauma survivor attend a group healing session in Burundi
$50 helps heal and bring together fragmented families in South Africa
$100 supports a group of young people to create a civic project to combat radicalization
$500 pays for a group of Christians and Muslims to attend interfaith reconciliation training in Kenya and build a peaceful community together
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Initiatives of Change International is responding to the humanitarian needs in Gaza.
Use the links below to donate in USD or GBP specifically to this fund.

Initiatives of Change International is responding to the humanitarian needs in Ukraine.
Use the link below to donate specifically to this fund.
Every gift, no matter the size, makes a difference.
Your donation provides the tools to help people in conflict work together and find lasting, peaceful solutions.
80% of humanitarian crisis are conflict-related. Conflict often starts because of polarization and misunderstanding. We build sustainable peace through laying the foundation: trust.
We believe that change starts from within. We focus first on people’s personal responsibility and nurture the inherent dignity that unites us as humans. This breaks the cycle of denial, blame, and victimhood that feeds polarization. Individuals become trustbuilders first by being willing to take an honest look at their own attitudes and behavior, reconciling where necessary, and then modeling the change they wish to see happen in the world.
Thanks to supporters just like you we have been able to deliver eight decades of trustbuilding and reconciliation work to communities around the world, which is critical to laying the foundation for a future of lasting peace for everyone.
Leave a legacy of transformational impact.
Add a planned gift to Initiatives of Change International in your will.
Send a check or money order.
If you want to send a check, money order, or want to explore other ways to donate, please get in touch with us by email.
Sivert Alexandersson | Hengi Bayat | Marjam Beyg | John Bond | Claude Bourdin | Mike and Jean Brown | Adrianus Burger | Margaret Cosens | Paul Craig | Don Cowles | Jacqueline Daukes | Amina Dikedi-Ajakaiye | Angela and Will Elliott | Jean Pierre Emeriau | Igor Ene | Eva Buch-Erkins | Chris Evans | Shoshana Faire | Jean Fiaux | Nils Finken | Daniel Flynn | Christine Garin Al-Azhari | Herta Gehr | Anne Marie George | Maria and Howard Grace | Ann Gonzalez | Steven Greisdorf | Elina and Eva Gunderson | Bill Hamilton | Anne Hartnell | Norman Hayes | Caroline Hazell | Hsu Shoufeng | Imad Karam | Kbidi Khalid | Nombulelo Khanyile | David Knight | Evgenia (Zhenya) Kyanova | Andrew Lancaster | Barbara and Ron Lawler | Cynthia Lawler | David Locke | Rev. Leslie Marsh | Olga Merezhuk | Jane Mills | John Mills | J.W. Monhemius | Manon Michelle Monhemius | Donald Morton | Betty Nabuto Mulyalya | Keith Neal | Joy Newman | Adalbert Otou Nguini | Ronald Ockwell | Ole Østmo | Maarten de Pous | Jonathan Ranger | Zeke Reich | Gordon Robinson | Evelyn “Randy” Ruffin | Roweida Saleh | Alan Sensicle | Anne Shannon | James Sharp | Jorulf Silde | Margaret Simms | Kare Sorenson | Christoph Spreng | Randall Suit | Akahiro Tanaka | Rosemary Thwaites | Elisabeth Tooms | Alena Vasilyeva | Elsa Vogel | Imelda Walker | Maria Wolf | Richard Weeks | Alison Wetter | Charles Young...
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IofC International is a Swiss-based not-for-profit organization. In general, donations made directly to IofC International from outside Switzerland do not have tax-favored status. It may be tax efficient, however, to make a donation via your country of residence (e.g., the USA). Do contact us if you are not sure.
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IofC International takes great care to protect the personal data of its donors. This data is stored confidentially, and will not be given to third parties without your permission. Please inform us if you do not wish your data to be stored.
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PayPal has various fee approaches to consider, which may vary by country. Using PayPal allows individuals who do not have credit cards to make a gift, using their own PayPal account. Finally, PayPal securely stores and encrypts all financial data, along with providing 24-hour security monitoring.