The team has organised trustbuilding dialogues and sessions with youth ambassadors amid rising tensions between Anglophones and Francophones in the country.
During a recent workshop, some of the English-speaking participants showed reluctance to share the same room with the French-speaking participants, while a few French-speaking participants felt the same. However, after completing the first module of 'starting with yourself,' which dealt with exploring stereotypes, judgement, and exchanging stories, and after having a chance to connect with one another as individuals, all participants were pleased to be together in the same room for the second workshop.
"Since I joined the TBP program, my perspective on things has changed drastically. Previously, I used to be judgmental, and I was unwilling to listen to other people's opinions. I always believed that I was right in everything, and I found it difficult to trust others. However, after the TBP, everything changed. The program taught me how to open up and communicate with others, and it helped me to understand their point of view. I realised that judging others doesn't help build trust and confidence. I also used to hold grudges and found it hard to forgive people even when they apologised, as I believed they would repeat the same mistake. However, the TBP helped me understand that forgiveness is necessary to release negative emotions. The program also taught me how to work effectively in a team, which was something I used to dislike. Now, working as a team has become easier for me." Datchoua Daisy (University of Yaoundé I).