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Democracy faces a growing threat, due to conflicts within democracies and the rise of autocratic regimes. After the rapid increase in democratic countries in the 1990s, the trend is now downward. Too widely, values such as accountability, integrity, inclusion have been downgraded in public life, and power-seeking is undermining the right of citizens to choose their rulers.

What can citizens do to reverse the trend?

Join our online event

29 NOVEMBER 2022

12:00 - 13:30 PM UTC

Meet Our Guest Speakers

Blanche Lincoln is a former United States Senator whose career was marked by firsts and by a desire for bipartisanship. She was the first woman elected to the U.S. Senate from Arkansas since 1932, the youngest woman elected to the Senate, and was mentioned as a possible running mate for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry in the 2004 election.

In her legislative career, she paid special attention to issues involving working families, veterans, farmers, and rural concerns and served as the Chair of the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry.

Blanche Lincoln is the Founder and Principal of Lincoln Policy Group (since 2013), Director at Hope Enterprise Corporation and Trustee at The Center for the Study of the Presidency, and Congress. 

Hermund Haaland is a board member with IofC in Norway, a serial entrepreneur and an author. He is also the Founder and Director of The Zebr Institute, with a clear focus working on the future issues of Europe and on developing a next generation of leadership. He is passionate about seeing the world and our societies moving in the best possible direction.

Hermund has a broad experience from politics, business startups and church, he co-founded the Oslo-based think tank Skaperkraft and is the author of several books and an inspiring speaker who loves to empower young leaders. 

Tracy Chamoun is a Lebanese author, political activist, and former diplomat. She was appointed as ambassador of Lebanon to Jordan in 2017, and served until her resignation in 2020. She resigned from her position in an immediate response to the Beirut Blast, refuting to represent a state that failed the people by negligence and corruption.

Tracy Chamoun was the first woman to establish a political party in Lebanon and the Arab world called the “Liberal Democrats” party. She is now running for president of the republic of Lebanon under the slogan “A new vision for the republic.” 

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