Considering the external goals of the Trustbuilding Program are visible through our online networks, the team felt it that it is critical to show that internal goals are being treated with equal importance. This retreat was a chance demonstrate and work on the goals below:
Enhance the work of the national team
During the retreat there was an emphasis on the steps that need to be taken in order to bring IofC Kenya to the next level. It was very important for people to understand that a shift must be made from being a ‘loose’ organization to one with more structure. IofC Kenya has been trying to become a nationally well-known organization for some years now and sees the Trustbuilding Program as a great opportunity to help them realize this aspiration. The Trustbuilding Program challenges not only the project team, but also the national team, to becoming a more professionally organized organization with a clearer structure and people taking more responsibility for their tasks. This is still a challenge, especially since many people work for IofC Kenya on a voluntary basis.
Strengthen fellowship/ internal connections
There has been a lot of deep sharing around the themes of well-fare and fellowship. Do we take care of each other enough? For example: someone lost a relative and did not feel like he received enough support from the team. This led to a lot of conversations about how strong the team is, and how connected everyone is. Although IofC Kenya has organizational structures in place, all members of the national are busy and don’t live in the same town, which makes it hard to connect. If people wait for retreats to connect with each other in person, they might only see each other once or twice a year. Going forward, members of the Kenyan IofC network will organize more fellowships within their own regions, so that the team can stay closely connected. In order to build trust within the national team, during the retreat Mike Muikia and Dan Mugera led the team through activities that encourage teamwork and facilitation.