Creators of Peace Annual Report 2018 - Giving Leadership for Peace

Amina Dikedi-Ajakaiye, President, says: 'Peace is a desired goal for most of humanity, but it looks different from person to person, location to location. What would it mean to give leadership for the desired peace? This is what women, members of Creators of Peace in 50 countries have signed up to do. 2018 was a year that we saw more Peace Circles done in Nepal, Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Australia, UK, Burundi, Zimbabwe, Lebanon, Syria, Tanzania, Switzerland and Uganda to name a few; women being transformed and unlocking potential within to live fully. Each one empowered to engage with issues in their homes, communities and nation.
Giving leadership for peace means being or becoming trustworthy by walking the talk. It also means trusting oneself by finding an inner resilience to pursue peace in one’s heart. Negative past experiences could make or mar. It depends on what power you give it. Choosing to tell a new story liberates you from the humiliation of negative experiences. And, trusting others. Reaching out to those you once regarded as unlovable or unapproachable, working together for a shared humanity. Through Peace Circles women build bonds of friendship across divides.
I look forward to many more women (and men) giving leadership for peace in a world filled with uncertainties.'