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Talks on Trust


While our newest Trustbuilding Program (TBP) teams are busy preparing to launch their projects, we’d like to take an opportunity to get some more insight about trust from different angles. What is trust? What makes us trustworthy? How does trust work in a society? Here are some videos from inspiring speakers to give you some food for thought.

Why trust is so important and how we can get more of it? | Dan Ariely

Dan Ariely, James B. Duke Professor of Psychology & Behavioral Economics at Duke University, explains us trust dynamics in a society. When are people likely to be the most trustworthy? How does revenge work? When our TBP teams have a clear understanding of this in their local context, they know where to start in order to change the dynamics of their local communities.

Onora O'Neill: What we don't understand about trust

Philosopher Onora O'Neill says that we tend not to understand trust. On which grounds do or don’t we trust people? In the TBP projects, the history of the conflict/tensions between groups is mapped to understand the source of mistrust, in order to better understand how to build trust.

The Psychology of Trust | Anne Böckler-Raettig

Anne Böckler-Raettig, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Psychology at Würzburg University, shows us why we trust some people more than others, solely because of their face or uniform, and the effect this can have. In the TBP projects, the contributors to conflict are identified, so understanding the psychology of trust and how we react to certain people helps teams to consciously work with unconscious bias.

Our Talk on Trust

In March, Rob Corcoran is organizing a Trustbuilding Taster to explain his vision on trustbuilding, and how this is being implemented through the Trustbuilding Program. Sign up today, as there are limited (Zoom) seats available for this special event.

*Illustration by Manon Michelle Monhemius


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The Trustbuilding Program is aimed at addressing divisive issues at the international and national levels, on the premise that only those who have undergone the internal process of becoming trustworthy themselves can close gaps across the globe. The Program was launched by Initiatives of Change International in 2019 with projects in Kenya, Canada and France, and in 2021 Australia, Indonesia, Nepal and South Africa have joined as well.