Peace, development and environmental sustainability are deeply intertwined and can only be achieved together.
Over 75% of the world’s conflicts occur in dryland areas. - Causes and Impacts of Land Degradation and Desertification: Case Study of the Sudan
Initiatives for Land, Lives and Peace (ILLP) seeks to be the bridge between international organizations and local communities, connecting individuals to create opportunities for positive change for people, places and the planet.
Peace, development and environmental sustainability are deeply intertwined and can only be achieved together.
Where land degradation occurs without restoration, the primary reasons are often due to a trust deficit or conflict.
The 1% of agricultural land lost each year can be restored through improved management.
Peace is a prerequisite for restoring land, that is why we work tirelessly with our partners to build trust in affected communities and build sustainability for a lasting future.
A viable future for the planet hinges on sustainability, and this means changing attitudes and actions across multiple areas of society.
We create synergies between local and global solutions. Its experience and expertise on the ground, for example in Chad, Kenya and India, builds on the existing capacity of local IofC bodies to address the confluence of environmental degradation and conflict. It links this experience with global thought leadership, particularly through the annual Caux Dialogue on Environment and Security (CDES) (formerly the Caux Dialogue on Land and Security, CDLS), in collaboration with IofC Switzerland.
The Summer Academy on Climate, Land and Security was started in 2019 in collaboration with the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, and is aimed at environment and security professionals. These Dialogues bring together NGO representatives, diplomats, practitioners, 'hard' security agencies, business leaders, academics and funders, to study what methodologies work best in land restoration and why.
The CDES, formerly known as the Caux Dialogue on Land and Security, is an annual conference based on the principle that integrating land restoration with community-based peacebuilding can create a virtuous cycle leading to both environmental and social recovery.
Founded in 2007, Grampari is an Initiatives of Change India programme based in the Asia Plateau conference centre with the support of Trans Asia, Arghyam, and the Child Health Foundation. Three themes are at the centre of their work: improving quality of life through drinking water access, strengthening local institutions and the promotion of entrepreneurship.
The Solar Peace Initiative (SPI) delivers food to communities in need, assists with resettlement of elderly families into permanent homes, and holds an outreach event for members of the SPI family to meet with one another and to plan for the upcoming year. It works in the slums of Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu and Nakuru and communities in dry areas such as Turkana, Garissa and Tana River, especially for food delivery.
This is an intensive, five-day course with the aim of forging an understanding on the nexus between land, security and climate and building a network of alumni who can draw on each other’s strengths to resolve the issues within this nexus in their communities.
This project is a multi-country, cross-sector collaboration with the vision that before the next rains, the community in Habaswein (Northeastern Kenya) will work to construct check dams and johads (percolation ponds) to hold back rainwater and start recharging the aquifers.
Dr. Alan Channer
Pinaki Dasgupta
Dr. Irina Fedorenko
Dr. Nicholas Foster
Dr. Jennifer Helgeson
Rishabh Khanna
Steven Kimaru
Bo Sprotte Kofod
Evgenia Kyanova
Sveinung Nygaard
Dr Peter Rundell CBE FSS
Meera Shah
Patrick Worms
Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss
We are currently seeking partnerships!