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IofC International is a voluntary association of 36 independent legal bodies representing national teams and international programmes of Initiatives of Change. Members of the association subscribe to the fundamental principles of IofC as summarized in the Preamble to the Articles of Association


The following countries and/or programmes comprise our membership:


IofC Argentina IofC / MRA Lebanon
IofC Australia IofC Malaysia
IofC Austria IofC Netherlands
IofC Brazil IofC New Zealand
IofC Cameroon IofC Nigeria
IofC Canada IofC Norway
IofC Cote d'Ivoire IofC South Africa
IofC Denmark IofC Sweden
IofC / MRA Egypt IofC Switzerland
IofC Finland IofC Taiwan
IofC France IofC Tanzania
IofC Germany IofC Uganda
IofC / MRA Ghana IofC UK
IofC India IofC USA
IofC Indonesia African Great Lakes Association
IofC Japan Creators of Peace
IofC Kenya Farmers' Dialogue International
IofC Korea Foundations of Freedom



  • IofC Argentina
  • IofC Australia
  • IofC Austria
  • IofC Brazil
  • IofC Cameroon
  • IofC Canada
  • IofC Cote d'Ivoire
  • IofC Denmark
  • IofC / MRA Egypt
  • IofC Finland
  • IofC France
  • IofC Germany
  • IofC / MRA Ghana
  • IofC India
  • IofC Indonesia
  • IofC Japan
  • IofC Kenya
  • IofC Korea


  • IofC / MRA Lebanon
  • IofC Malaysia
  • IofC Netherlands
  • IofC New Zealand
  • IofC Nigeria
  • IofC Norway
  • IofC South Africa
  • IofC Sweden
  • IofC Switzerland
  • IofC Taiwan
  • IofC Tanzania
  • IofC Uganda
  • IofC UK
  • IofC USA
  • African Great Lakes Association
  • Creators of Peace
  • Farmers' Dialogue International
  • Foundations of Freedom


IofC Argentina

IofC Australia

IofC Austria

IofC Brazil

IofC Cameroon

IofC Canada

IofC Cote d'Ivoire

IofC Denmark

IofC / MRA Egypt

IofC Finland

IofC France

IofC Germany

IofC / MRA Ghana

IofC India

IofC Indonesia

IofC Japan

IofC Kenya

IofC Korea

IofC / MRA Lebanon

IofC Malaysia

IofC Netherlands

IofC New Zealand

IofC Nigeria

IofC Norway

IofC South Africa

IofC Sweden

IofC Switzerland

IofC Taiwan

IofC Tanzania

IofC Uganda



African Great Lakes Association

Creators of Peace

Farmers' Dialogue International

Foundations of Freedom



Initiatives of Change International is answerable to an annual Global Assembly composed of representatives from each of the member organizations and programmes. The Assemblies are chaired by the President of Initiatives of Change International or his representative and the agenda is set by the International Council.


The Global Assembly helps bring cohesion to a diverse network and to formulate shared strategic points of focus for Initiatives of Change. Other tasks include electing the President and members of the International Council, approving the annual report and accounts and the budget for the next year.